Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dyspraxia, does it get any worse....?

I really should not ask questions like that.... you never know what might happen
- now I've scared myself, because truly atm it's pretty bad.

I haven't the time to make this long, I'm too upset by my day.

Caleb's behaviour was out of control today. I never know what sort of day we're going to have. It's completely unpredictable. Although I can tell when he wakes up what type of mood he's going to be in. Today he was running into walls, and screaming as loud as possible, bouncing off the furniture is ok with him. sigh. He was unstoppable, unshutable, uncontrollable.

I am still battling the high pitched squealing and the swearing. He does at times tell me he is trying to stop it - and that is hopeful. At least he's aware it's a problem, but that's not all the time. Most times he laughs when I discipline him. He doesen't care he has toys confiscated or has to spend time alone.

To make this quick. What a joy taking Caleb to school. He's over the top with excitement - yes, he actually loves school (thank God for that) he runs in and yells out to a friend, which could be any child he sees, 'Hello doofus' and then it's onto 'stinky head' so kids are either getting upset or they're laughing in hysterics. Great start. I'm trying to talk to him about it. Fat chance of him actually listening. Then he's running around the class, banging his chair, hitting kids on the back. He is actually patting them, as you do to friends, but he can't regulate his touch. That's why he have cowering dogs. That's a whole different topic.

I quickly leave the class, before something really embarrassing happens.

After school today, he comes out of the classroom - squeals - and then throws on the ground at my feet, his bag, his drink bottle and his homework folder. Yes. Then he runs off, kicks his shoe - high - into the air, while I'm yelling at him to pick his bag up. While I'm telling him to stop, he's kicked the next one off. I'm fuming now! If there weren't witnesses he might be in the emergency department. As it was, I'm sure every parent is staring at me by now, all the parents with the well behaved child.
The teacher is watching from the doorway. Oman, I wonder what she's thinking. Most likely, 'I bet she beats him up later - I wonder if I should report her to the authorities.'

Anyway, I can't type about it anymore. I'm tired from crying.

It's got to get better some day.

It has too.

1 Reader/s:

Rebecca said...

Hi Rosebud...You commented on my blog back near my birthday in January. That actually meant a lot to me even though I don't know you. Thanks! Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you tonight. I had not heard of the condition your son has but I read some of your blog and looked up dyspraxia and I feel for you. I pray that the Lord will give you strength and wisdom daily.

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